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Boeken Time (Our energenius life)

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Title: The Architect (Our energenius life)

ISBN 978-1-7947-4982-5

Dimensions: 6" x 9"
Binding; Perfect binding  
Paper: White interior paper (60# weight) 
Ink: full-colour interior ink, white exterior paper (100# weight),
Cover: Full-colour exterior ink
Pages: 272
Language: English
Print: $16.00* With Discount

"If the news is fake, imagine how bad History is"

With this sentence I would like to begin and open my latest book.

As children, we are born open-minded and wise until the day when worldwide it is obligatory 
to go to school and be brainwashed but above all to forget everything that is different.
The brain is overwhelmed with worthless rules but 
also with know-how that is totally wrong from the start. 
To name but a few; time and distance are man-made terms 
and therefore make many calculations worthless and unusable.

We are not being taught things in the schools but are being brainwashed in an ingenious way! 
Much is based on lies and not only science errs but also history is a poorly written book. 
A book that should make us believe how it all used to be. In the short time of human life, however, 
we see that history is constantly being refined or falsified and the true story disappears completely.

The world we live in is one big lie and we can experience 
that now in the Covid soap opera which is not about a killer virus 
but about getting all living beings registered so that they are 
totally dependent on a lying primal system through a points system.

We will read the true history here and we will meet the true 'god' 
of human existence, the true creator will be discussed in this book. 
It will be hard and people will be upset, but one day the truth has 
to be published. The true world is about to reveal itself to you.

Be welcome in this journey,

John H Baselmans-Oracle


Soft cover


Printed version

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