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Title: Drugs White gold

ISBN  978-1-326-84325-0

Dimensions: 5.83" x 8.26"
Binding;Perfect binding  
Paper: White interior paper (55# weight) 
Ink: full-colour interior ink, wit exterior paper (90# weight)
Cover: full-colour exterior ink
Pages: 392
Language: English
Print: $26.20 * With Discount

When we think of drugs, we immediately think of the old guard drugs like cocaine, 
heroin and hemp. Other than that, there are for some time synthetic drugs (XTC) 
made in many forms, colors and effects. We talk in this book about the ordinary old-fashioned 
drugs in the form of cocaine. We’re going to expose what is behind and who are 
the true drug dealers. The old-fashioned drug is still the trade with which 
the super rich enrich themselves. Also, it is the elite who use a lot of this stuff. 
You can make it clear that most of the top in the business world, but also the politics 
and those who move into higher layers, are the permanent users of the cocaine stuff. 
Often in the most pure form and often used daily like a breakfast and dinner. 
But first I like to elaborate some things; what is cocaine and who are the 
driving forces behind these drugs according to world organizations of detecting drugs. 

Let's talk about drugs.



Soft cover


Printed version

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