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Boeken Time (Our energenius life)

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Title: Title: Time (Our energenius life)

ISBN 978-1-008-91384-4

Dimensions: 6" x 9"
Binding; Perfect binding  
Paper: White interior paper (60# weight) 
Ink: full-colour interior ink, white exterior paper (100# weight),
Cover: Full-colour exterior ink
Pages: 160
Language: English
Print: $12.00* With Discount

Time The phenomenon of 
“time” has been discussed quite extensively 
in this book and finally we have come to the core of all life. 
When we eliminate time, distance and human thought, it opens up many worlds, 
but it also releases energies that many of us have never experienced, 
felt or seen before. This is a book full of surprises because it 
deals with a subject that many people will not understand. 
I do hope, however, that one day people will have a different view 
and that the new world, which is always seen in a negative light, 
will also be revealed to them. The world of energy where everything is 
possible in the "now", without restrictions, without hatred 
and envy, and with no mean thinking or competition. It is time for us 
to use our common sense, called feeling and then together with the greater whole, 
we have a chance to create a beautiful world. We are the ones who create the 
world as it is now and we are the ones chasing lies and allowing our energy to 
be used/abused for evil. Just see around you, feel, look and touch the world as it really is. 

Soft cover


Printed version

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