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Guest Artist Welcome
"An artist sees not only with his eyes but also with his heart and soul".


WELCOME all Guest Artists
A FREE service from me to you!

Let's make together a better world with art.

Your art for FREE on my website!
I want to give you an opportunity showing your art on my site and get 
the appreciation you deserve.
I will make extra pages called "Guest  Artists"
On these pages you can show 5 pieces of artwork from you, 
including a small text name and website. 

A honest comment:
Dear John 

- Although I just recently completed the Guest Artist form and made my comments about 
''why I was motivated to enter', I felt that I wanted to further express my feelings 
(I'm better at doing that through art then with words) 
about how unique your website is compare to others - thru 'my eyes'!
           As you probably know, marketing on the website can be real frustrating,
 and very often, expensive experience.
 It appears that everyone and their brothers are willing to make one rich, 
market one's website, have lots of promises, etc. - 
but with lots of strings attached - usually involving lots of money and expenditures!! 
One really never knows what they are getting when they 
make connections with all of those people who want  to 'help' !
           That is why your website is so unique, refreshing, honest and very encouraging!
'Support without Strings!' could be another subtitle for your site! 
 It is very nice to be linked with someone who essentially 
only promises to support artists - rather then just take their money! 
 Again, thanks for the support 
- I'm turning a lot of my friends ontoyour website and your art.


For leaving a comment, please go to my FORM

Or read the comments on my guestbook pages


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